The Martin Drive Neighborhood Association sponsors an annual Extravanganza Musical Fundraiser. Neighbors volunteer to sell $10 tickets in advance of the event ($12 at the door). The proceeds of the fundraiser helps neighbors to meet several times a year at the Washington Park Senior Center. It is this organization that help us to solve problems, hear from elected officials, and become more involved in building a community through annual activities and events. Check out the other activities to learn more!

There will also be a silent auction and 50/50 raffle.​
Help us spread the word about our neighborhood fundraiser by posting on facebook and twitter!​​​
Fundraising Musical Extravaganza
Friday September, 29th 2017
What is the Fundraiser for?
Ticket - Musicial Extravanganza 2017
If you are having problems with purchasing a ticket Online email

2017 flier here!​​

If you ​​cannot purchase a ticket Online, a ticket can be bought with a payment made to Martin Drive Neighborhood Association sent to
​Raymond Duncan 1260 N 43 ST Milwaukee, WI 53208 USA